Tag: lessons

  • 10 Life Lessons You’d Better Learn Early on in Life

    10 Life Lessons You’d Better Learn Early on in Life

    There are so many lessons I wish I had learned while I was young enough to appreciate and apply them. The thing with wisdom, and often with life lessons in general, is that they’re learned in retrospect, long after we needed them. The good news is that other people can benefit from our experiences and…

  • Being Intelligent yet Wise

    Being Intelligent yet Wise

    Some of us think we’re intelligence. It may been proven in how high we scored exam, how well read we’re on different topics. And how highly regarded our profession is. Having this proof of intelligence gives us supreme confidence. So much confidence that we sometimes cannot see that there is a difference between intelligence and wisdom.…

  • Quotes #6

    No regrets in life. just lessons learned -Anonymous