Category: knowledge
What’s Matter in Your Life
As human beings, we are naturally driven to build, create, or advance something, setting goals for ourselves in the process. These goals can be either personal or beneficial to others, but it’s important to note that personal goals are often short-lived and unsustainable. Once they are achieved, we may struggle to find a new sense…
Virtual Photoshoot
As its name, the photoshoot will be performed where both photographer and talent are not physically at the same place. Yes picture will be taken from the screen while the talent will be on their phone/any camera. And yes, the image quality won’t be better than the screenshot! Then what? Personally I found that it…
Parse Excel with Kotlin
I want to share how to parse excel files using kotlin and apache poi java lib. repository can be found here. This example will parse a sheet with several cell type (number, string, date). The basic ideas are:1. get the Workbook instance by instantiating XSSFWorkbook(file: File)2. get the Sheet instance by call workbook.getSheetAt(idx: Int) or…
Chat Analyzer
Hi, today I want to share about whatsapp chat analyzer. You may curious about who is more often to chat, is it you or him/her, what is the most word you type, and how long you usually type a sentence to your friend. Here you can check all of these parameters and it will also…
How do life experiences shape our values?
We all experience life, but we don’t all live life for experience. I used to simply exist. I used to take what was given to me, positive or negative. I believed to be the way of this life. However, I stumbled across some interesting wisdom in a book called: Man’s Search for Meaning. It allowed…
Android Dependency Injection Using Dagger 2
Dagger 2 is a dependency injection library that relies heavily on annotation preprocessing to automatically generate a series of classes that provide dependencies to various parts of your application. The preprocessing occurs as part of compilation. The class files that are created are human readable — some are meant to be referenced just like any other java classes, others…
Talk to Pi
Raspberry Pi absolutely fit to become a “server”, at least mini server that can serve your need. But, there’s come a problem, how to connect my Pi from internet?? This question must come to most people who planned to create a smart things in their home. Sometimes we need to connect your Pi remotely while we’re outside…
Initialize your Raspberry Pi
Ever wonder to have mini PC that probably just enough to become 24/7 server and even clustering them together? Likely Raspberry Pi could become one of your choice. Raspberry Pi is a computer powered by ARM micro processor and can run Linux in it. Unlike MicroController, this one is much powerful in terms of processing…
Myoclonic jerks
This refers to that strange feeling when you lie down to go to sleep, and as you start to drift off your body is jolted for a second by what seems like an electric shock. In this moment, all of your muscles spasm so strongly that you almost fall out of bed, and you wake up straightaway. This phenomenon is the result of the fact that when you begin to fall asleep, the…