Category: quotes
Motivation and Dicipline
Motivation is a feeling that come and goes and it doesn’t matter whether it there or not dicipline is infinitely more important. So no matter how you feel get up and do what you supposed to do, that’s it. And that’s dicipline, not motivation. If you only did what you supposed to do when you…
Know Your Place
Anthony Eden to Princess Margaret: Princess Elizabeth’s destiny is to accede to the throne. Yours is to serve and support. I would urge you to ACCEPT your position in life. We all have role to play.
Live to be Better
Start doing what you love today, in your spare time, on your weekends, using your breaks. Because that ‘s gonna help you create the life that you truly, truly want. Not being bound by those golden handcuffs. And these are some of tips. #1 Start a side hustle. Maybe it’s an online business, Maybe it’s…
Never Stop Learning
The story goes that Marcus Aurelius hired an assistant to follow him as he walked through the Roman towns square. The assistant’s only role was to whenever Marcus Aurelius was praised, whisper in his ears, “You’re just a man.” “You’re just a man.” They say two things define us. Our patience when we have nothing…