Author: lixsu92
Why does not Aircraft Cabin Pressurized as Ground Level
Have you got your ear numb when you’re moving from one altitude to another one? It may happen when you use high elevator or mostly when you’re inside a takeoff or landing aircraft. In normal circumstances the air pressure is the same on both sides of our eardrums. But when the pressure in our environment changes significantly, the…
How Tree Got Its Masses
Tress is one of the biggest thing that take place on our earth. Ever thinking how the tress in front of your house become so big and have a massive mass? Where are the mass come from? Put it in your mind and try to find it ! As Antoine Lavoisier said that mass in a closed system…
VA vs Watt
You may see power unit that written as KVA and KW. Can you guess which one is true? The answer lead to both of them are true. KW will have the same meaning as KVA when the KVAR component is 0. Thinking as a perpendicular triangle with KW and KVAR as its perpendicular side and…
Program (Computer Program)
What is it ? A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. A computer requires programs to function, and typically executes the program’s instructions in a central processing unit. – Wikipedia Confused? Alright, a program can simply said as a application in our computer, smartphone which…
Singapore on Holiday
Have any plan to get into Singapore on next holiday? Just prepare for it! As we know it has tropical climate therefore it will be very hot all days. As a suggestion, don’t bring any long pants or other clothes that will make you feels hotter :). It consist of 3 main ethnic, they are Chinese,…
Car Free Day Dago
CFD atau kerap disebut Car Free Day adalah suatu acara rutin mingguan yang diadakan di beberapa Kota besar di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah kota yang saya tinggali, Bandung. Sesuai dengan namanya, CFD berarti membebaskan jalan raya dari kendaraan bermotor pada durasi tertentu (bukan seharian penuh lho!) dan biasanya diadakan rutin tiap hari Minggu pagi. Mungkin beberapa…
Sendiri atau Bersama-sama
Pada saat sekolah dasar, saya ingat terdapat istilah yang sangat sering muncul di buku pelajaran kewarganegaraan, yaitu zoon politicon. Selain ditulis dalam buku, istilah ini pun sangat sering disebutkan dalam banyak pembicaraan di dunia sosial. Istilah tersebut merupakan salah satu karakteristik utama manusia, manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang hidup bermasyarakat. Karakter tersebut berarti bahwa manusia tidak…
Internship at Batam, June 2013
Like everybody did, I have to take internship as requirement to finish my study. In my school, the duration of internship should be at least 2 months. As electrical engineering student, it wasn’t easy to find one. There was hard to find company or industry which engaged in electronic field since Indonesia was still developing…